nth impt to announce.. but stil.. ahem.. im officially 21! hehehe.. havin mixed feelings tho. b4 i reached 21, always felt happy wenever i cel my b/day, cos im reachin adulthood soon! but now tt im 21, i feel ultra old! hahaha..and more responsibilities surfacing!
ok lar, dun tink too much for now =p met June and Angeline babe over the wk too. thanks for the dinner and gift :) really really very happy! *smiles* it was a good time catching wif 2 of them! its been how long since i met Angeline babe? 9 mths! LOL..frenship is not measured by distance or time yea? feelin happy for her too. she's going to Taiwan wif her boy in June after their exams! hehe *sweet sweet sweet*
thats June @ NYDC:


Friday nite, my boy tried giving me a surprise, but it failed! lol.. he told me he couldnt book out, so cld only wish me Happy Birthday on the fone (which i was ok wif in fact). den i heard like those wind blowing while tokin to him, casually i ask him lar, where u now? he still wanna kp a secret and say he's in bunk, n tt his place v windy! LOL..
being the nice me, i didnt spoil his surprise ok! yeah he ended up appearing at the lobby of my plc and wish me happy Birthday :) hehehe. *smiles* it was a short one as it was late, but im really happy for tt. *thank u so much*
Saturday was erh... horrible to wake him up! wahahaha.. he took 3 hours to wake up manz! imagine i hang down de fone after him tellin me he's going to wash up aldy, den half an hr later, i realised he wen bk to slp! lol.. *ah bish*
my boy drove down to Wheelock and we had lunch @ Big O :) it was a simple Saturday, no specific celebration, but it was memorable :) watched Date Movie @ MS den did a bit of shopping! hehe, received my variable bonus liao =p come dinner time, we settled our hungry stomachs @ Wisma's Ding Tai Fung! *yummy* loves the xiao long bao so muchie!

hehehe~ our legs hurt quite a bit wif all the walkin in de noon, so we decided to not watch our 2nd movie. another day perhaps :) my boy drove to Kent Ridge Park thereafter to romantic-romantic, LOL! nice cosy place =) heh.

the later part of the nite was spent supper-ing wif ah mou n piggy :) had de usual prata and wen driving ard lookin at big houses n beautiful cars! =p so shiok! lol. superb tired de moment we got home. check my mail for any sch updates, den off we wen to dreamland. my boy told me he's so tired he dun even feel like bathing! lol.
*tired tired tired* got up ard 11 on Sunday. back hurts! did some misc stuff, lazed ard, feelin so lazy! lol. we wen out late noon, back to the house we viewed last nite! it was too dark last nite, so wen again to check it out! muahahah~ had dinner @ PS's foodcourt. my boy n i were aiming to eat de same food! *corny* i told him, b4 we left hse, i aldy had in mind eating xxx. den at the carpark he told me "hey later we go eat xxx la?" heh, the telepathy still works! LOL.
very tired back home. lotsa things to do in fact but no motivation :/ sigh, hopeless me! my boy's gonna be very busy till mid may, sob! expecting some wkends to be burnt liao, hugs. we're gonna get new couple specs next month! wahahha. not exactly 'couple specs' but rather the same outlook? aiyah, dunno how to describe, but liao den show! hehehe... *excited*
its gonna be another hell wk of work! anyway, wishes for the 2 couples hu just got together! heh. sweet sweet sweet :):):) enjoy the joy love can bring u! *smiles*
bah, my com has officially died. totally cant work, sad.i am so dead wif all my assignment deadline. sigh sigh...sad :/
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